1/26/25 Oceanside Star Wars Unlimited: Twilight of the Republic Store Showdown 11AM
Location - Oceanside
Event Start Time - 11:00 AM
Check In Starts - 10:30 AM
This event caps at 32 Players
Entry Fee - $20
Event will be 4-5 rounds of swiss, 30 minutes each round best of one with a Cut to Top 4/Top 8
Top Cut will be single elimination, 30 minutes each round best of one as well
Pre-sideboarding will be enforced due to Best of 1 format.
Paper Decklists will be required! We will have blank sheets at the store for anyone that could not prepare one in advance.
Prizing and Promos:
2 Twilight of the Republic Booster Packs will go into the prize pool for each player in the tournament!
1st place finisher will receive, at the very least, a whole Twilight of the Republic Booster Box!
There will promotional cards handed out to the Top 8 players, Top 4 players, Top 2 Finalists, and the Winner of the event!
Each player will receive:
1 Twilight of the Republic Booster Pack for participation
1 Participation Promo Card
- If an event is sold out more than a day prior to starting, a 24-hour notice is required
- If an event is either not sold out or becomes sold out on the same day it is hosted, refunds can be given as long as attendee notifies the store 1 hour before the advertised event start time